2024 IMAP Managed Account Awards - Terms & Conditions of Entry

IMAP Managed Account Awards 2024

Terms & Conditions of Entry

We are delighted that you would like to participate in the IMAP Managed Account Awards (‘Awards’).

This document is our ‘Terms and Conditions’ (‘Terms’), and if you would like to enter and participate in the Awards, you will need to adhere to these Terms.

The Awards are conducted by the Institute of Managed Account Professionals Limited (ABN 57 125 794 274), of 10 WIlawa St, Bowgowlah Heights, Sydney NSW 2000 (‘IMAP’, ‘we’, ‘us, ‘our’).

Any reference to ‘you’ or ‘your’ in these Terms includes you in your personal capacity, as a representative of the business, as well as your business being entered into and as a participant of the Awards.

Who can enter?

The IMAP Managed Account Awards recognise that different investment approaches mean different portfolio types. So, the Awards are open to:

  • all legal structures – SMA / MIS, MDA, Wholesale MDA, IDPS, IDPS Like
  • all investment types – direct stocks, managed funds, ETFS; and
  • all portfolio managers – including investment managers, AFS Licensees / dealer groups and research house managed portfolios. This includes portfolios which are managed by a licensee but which are sub-advised by one or more investment managers or asset allocation specialists.

You need not be the Responsible entity, MDA Provider or IDPS Operator of the managed account portfolios to enter the Awards. However, you must disclose all the parties involved in advising on asset allocation, portfolio management or security selection or similar in the portfolios you enter.

Ground rules

In order to enter the Awards, you:

  • Must comply with these Terms;
  • Must hold an AFSL;
  • May enter in your role as portfolio manager, investment manager or similar for one or more portfolios which are presented as Managed Accounts;
  • Agree that the judges’ decision is final and will be arrived at using such assessment or methodology which they believe is appropriate to meeting the objectives of the Awards program and may include material or information in addition to the material you submit;
  • Warrant to us that the information you provide is, to the best of your knowledge, accurate in all material respects; and
  • Agree that we may request confirmation of any information you provide, for example in the form of reports or meeting minutes.
  • Agree that material submitted after the deadline of 5.30pm on 27th May 2024 will not be considered unless requested by the judges
  • Agree that only submissions completed as per the instructions will be accepted
  • Agree that only one submission per entrant per category will be allowed
  • Agree that only balanced portfolios or equivalent are to be submitted in the Multi Asset Class and Licensee and Boutique Licensee Managed Account portfolio categories
  • Data is to be supplied to IMAP in the template spreadsheet provided.

At our sole discretion, we reserve the right to declare your entry into the Awards ineligible, or disqualify your entry if:

  • You have not complied with these Terms;
  • Your entry form is incomplete;
  • You are unable to represent or promote the Awards in an appropriate or satisfactory manner;
  • The information you have submitted to us is misleading, false or provided unlawfully; or
  • We believe for whatever reason in our sole opinion that you or your business are involved in conduct or activity that is fraudulent, illegal and/or may harm us and our reputation.

Privacy and Confidentiality

We collect your information, including personal information as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), in order to conduct the Awards. Our privacy statement will apply for your involvement in the Awards. You’ll find our Privacy Policy at https://imap.asn.au/privacy-policy. As part of your participation, we collect all kinds of information relating to you and your business, including your responses to the entry forms. We will share this only with the judging panel. By entering into and participating in the Awards, you consent that those with access to your information to use it to judge or administer the Awards, however, the fact that you have participated may be made available to our subscribers and sponsors.

If you would like to access or correct the information that we hold about you, or wish to withdraw your consent to receive Awards material contact Jenny Phimleut Program Director at IMAP on e: 

Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights related to the Awards, including the information and data we collect, belong to IMAP. This does not extend to any intellectual property rights you already owned prior to entering the Awards which remain your intellectual property. Any data or other material which you provide will only be used for the purpose of judging the Awards.

The judges may be subject to conflicts of interest and will tender declarations to that effect. Any affected judge will be excluded from consideration of the conflicted entrant.

You agree that we may use your logo and name in any material which promotes the Awards. You agree to allow us and the Sponsors to contact you to provide comments about the Awards, to take photos or video footage of you, your business and your representative(s), and use any of the material collected as part of your participation. If we do use any of the materials listed above, you grant us a royalty free license to use the materials for promotional purposes in relation to the Awards.

Use of the IMAP Managed Account Award Logo

If you are a winner of an Award, we will grant you a royalty free license to use the relevant trophy device for promotional purposes, so long as you use it in the form which we provide you.

If you are a finalist in an Award category, we will grant you a royalty free license to use the relevant trophy device for promotional purposes, so long as you use it in the form which we provide you and so long as you are a financial subscriber to IMAP.

To become a financial subscriber please click here to go to this information area on the IMAP website

Please note
that IMAP uses the Stripe payment gateway to process credit card transactions

The small print

To the extent permitted by law, neither IMAP (including its officers, employees and agents) nor the judges will be liable for any loss (including indirect or consequential loss), damage or personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with the Awards. You will indemnify us and our officers, employees and agents including the judges against any loss or liability from any claim or action that arises as a result of a breach of these Terms by you, or your use of the materials or information supplied by you under these Terms.

By entering the Awards, you agree to submit to the laws of New South Wales, and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that place and the courts of appeal from them.

If you have any questions on the Awards please contact Jenny Phimleut - IMAP Program Director on

Email Address: 

Phone: +61 2 8003 4147

Contact us



0414 443 236