Instructions for attaching file types to your submission
Please note that you may only attach either XLS spreadsheet or a PDF file to this submission.
NOTE: Attaching JPG and PNG files will result in a message that this file type is not supported and you will not be able to submit your form
Select an Investment Category to enter
(Please note a separate submission is required per category. (One portfolio entry per category only).
Please also note that 3 additional IMAP Award categories (Responsible Investing, Innovation and Licensee) have separate application forms to complete.
Please note that there are two steps to a Submission for this Category
Step 1 is to complete the Quantitative Data Spreadsheet with data as at balance date 31/03/2024 (download link below),and have this spreadsheet ready to attach once you have completed Step 2 and are ready to submit this form to IMAP
Step 2 is to complete all fields of this form and submit this to IMAP including uploading the Quantitative Data Spreadsheet and any other attachments as noted below.
Note: you can exit the form's screen and return at any time with the option of restoring your saved data (must be from the same PC).
Please note we recommend that attachments be gathered together in readiness during this process but do not attach them until your final submission of this completed form (reason is that attachments will not be saved until the final submission).
Download the Quantitative Data Spreadsheet template here to use in preparing your response
Please Note that this spreadsheet has been updated and the latest is named IMAP_Awards_2024_Submission_Form_Ver_1_April_2024.xlsx
Section 1 Philosophy
Q 1.1 Concisely describe the investment philosophy for your managed account program including references to market inefficiencies you aim to exploit.
Q 1.2 What unique value do you bring to this asset class in Managed Accounts? (For Multi Asset class the question becomes What unique value do you bring to this Managed Account?)
Q 1.3 Describe briefly your investment style (passive/growth/ value / manager blending etc.) for example, is the nature of your investment approach fundamental or quantitative?
Q 1.4 Has your investment approach changed in the last three years? If it has, describe all changes and the reasons for these changes.
Section 2 Investment Process and Governance
Q 2.1 What do you consider your investable universe (use a diagram if appropriate) and investment selection process including your research effort. (200 word limit)
Q 2.2 Describe your portfolio construction process covering tools/techniques, buy/sell disciplines, number of stocks/funds held, stock/funds weightings relative to index, determination of large/medium/small cap exposure, sectoral bias, securities that are not in the index and the cash allocation decision. (200 word limit)
Q 2.3 What are your return objectives and how are they measured?
Q 2.4 Summarise in table format your risk management techniques (specifically portfolio risk e.g. stock/sector/asset allocation limits, manager exposure, ex-ante tracking error, quality filters, constraints on derivatives, etc.). Please define these limits as either hard or soft in nature
Q 2.5 Describe what steps you take to monitor and minimise transaction costs.
Q 2.6 What is the typical annual rate of turnover for the portfolio?
Q 2.7 Please describe your approach to managing liquidity in the managed account portfolio. (max. 200 word limit)
Q 2.8 Please describe how you manage hedging risk in the managed account portfolio. (200 word limit)
Q 2.9
Outline your compliance policies in relation to dealing with compliance breaches in managed accounts.
List all incidents over the past 12 months where, as a result of a mandate compliance breach, a loss or a potential loss to a client occurred (200 word limit)
Q 2.10
What conflicts of interest have you identified, if any, and how do you manage conflicts of interest? (200 word limit)
Q 2.11
How does your investment management process cater for the unique requirement of a managed account? (200 word limit)
Section 3 People Quality – Investment Team and Investment Committee
Q 3.1 Please state the number of staff in your investment area involved in the management of this particular managed account and how many are solely involved in investment management i.e. not business management or advice or other activities
Q 3.2 Please describe how the investment team responsible is structured. Please include a reference to back-up and ultimate investment responsibility.
Q 3.3 Please outline any key staff turnover in the past 2 years.
Q 3.4 Please supply brief biographies (max 140 words) for each of the investment personnel by pasting into the response field below. (Attachments are not accepted)
Q 3.5 Please describe your investment committee or equivalent, its structure, meeting frequency and responsibilities. What independent representation is there and what specific skills or experience do they bring?
Q3.6 Do you have any key external partners or providers to whom for example you delegate management of part of your portfolio(s)? Why were they selected?
Q 3.7 What other portfolios / funds are members of this team responsible for?
Section 4 Client Collateral
Q 4.1 What is your client reporting policy including frequency and timeliness?
Q 4.2 What information is provided to clients (e.g. technical, economic, investment, performance, and asset allocation)?
Please provide by attachment to your submissions - a sample of your quarterly report only or in the absence of a quarterly report, a recent monthly or other regular report only.
Please check for error messages for each field - these show in RED
Also if you entered data over 2 sessions please be aware that the ‘retrieve saved data’ process does not retain attachments and all documents need to be re-attached prior to final submission
Thank you for entering the IMAP Awards