Perspectives - Winter 2019

Pricing for value

Speaking at the IMAP Adviser Roadshow, Alan Kenny and Vincent O’Neill discussed value pricing in a business.

Technology is key to the future

Talk to Kelly Power about the key drivers for advice and advice businesses over the next 5-10 years, and the one thing she is very nervous about is the growing cost of advice.

The naked portfolio

Ben Coombs of Elston Asset Management – winner of the 2019 IMAP Australian Equities Managed Account Award – looks at some of the key client experience considerations to make when constructing managed account portfolios.

Consumer education still lacking with managed accounts

While the number of financial planners recommending managed accounts almost doubling in the last five years, more than 80 per cent of potential users (consumers) say they have only basic or no understanding of the solution.

The seven year itch

Until recently, Peter Kell was the public face of ASIC. He talks to Jayson Forrest about his seven years at the corporate regulator and the challenges still facing the financial services industry.

Are we heading back to the future?

Is there a future for licensee-based managed account programs?¶

  • The Hayne Royal Commission didn’t ban vertical integration but it continues to be widely questioned.¶

  • The growth in managed accounts slowed to a trickle by December 2018.¶

  • Attendance at Best Interest Duty events is at an all time high.

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