
  • ‘Frankly my dear . . . we need to include Franking Credits in reporting and portfolio planning’ Here’s what they’re worth

    IMAP Ashey Owen - Owen Analytics on franking credits

     "Franking credits on dividends on Australian shares can add more than 1% per year to returns for Australian shareholders," says Ashley Owen, "but many professionals don’t include the value of franking credits in their clients’ returns – either historical, or forecast".

  • Building a practice with HNW clients

    Vincent O’Neill (Stanford Brown) and Michael Karagianis (JANA Investment Advisers) discuss how advice firms successfully attract and support HNW clients, while individualising the advice service offering for them.


  • Overcoming detours and roadblocks for successful implementation

    There are a range of potential obstacles to avoid when implementing a managed accounts structure. Brent Bevan (MLC) identifies the key obstacles and provides solutions to overcoming them.


  • Riding the AI tailwind

    IMAP webinar on adviers use of artifical intelligence and investing

    Are you considering an exposure to artificial intelligence (AI) in your portfolio? Cameron Gleeson (Betashares) & Monik Kotecha (Insync Funds Management) discuss how advisers can ride the AI tailwind.

  • Talent and the perfect storm

    As adviser numbers shrink, attracting, training, paying and retaining financial advisers is one of the most important issues facing businesses. Alisdair Barr (Striver), Matthew Swieconek (Findex) and Jonathan Scholes (Findex) discuss how advice practices are overcoming this challenge.


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