IMAP announces the Winners of each Category in the Managed Account Awards 2023

IMAP thanks all 2023 Award Entrants and congratulates the Finalists

IMAP wishes to express its appreciation for all Finalists (listed below) and all the entrants for the Managed Account Awards 2023 for their efforts and commitment to the IMAP Managed Account Awards

The IMAP Awards which are now in their 6th year are designed to provide recognition of excellent practice among advice firms and investment providers who together with their end clients make up the managed accounts market in Austalia.

The 2023 Judges of the IMAP AWARDS 2023 wish to acknowledge the very high quality of the entries received from each of the following Category Finalists

IMAP Managed Account Awards 2022 Category Finalists
IMAP thanks our two Sponsors for supporting the IMAP Managed Account Awards and the opportunity to recognise quality of service in the Australian Managed Accounts industry





IMAP Managed Account Industry Awards 2023

Recognising best in class for Managed Account Licensees, Innovators and Investment providers including ESG Portfolios and new in 2023 a category for Boutique Licensees


Thank you to everyone who has entered the iMAP Awards for 2023.

The judging process has now completed the first phase and the Catergory Finalists have been announced.

The next stage in the judging process is presetnations for certain categories and selection of the winners.

Once again thank you and aprrecaition to the effort and high quality of entries for this year's Awards.

Award Entry Details & Useful Information

Managed Accounts are becoming more central to the way in which Licensees and Advisers implement their advice, and IMAP wants to ensure that best practice amongst investment managers and licensees is promoted and recognised.

The IMAP Managed Account Awards are selected by a panel of experienced investment professionals. They understand the portfolio construction and investment selection process through their experience on investment committees, in running managed account and fund portfolios and through their hands on involvement in the development of managed account portfolios.

Why Enter?

Being a finalist, let alone a winner, in the IMAP Managed Accounts Awards brings with it the recognition of your peers that your processes and service to investors is regarded as high quality.

Success in the Awards will demonstrate to your staff, advisers and clients what it is that sets your services apart and you’ll have the logos and trophy to prove it.

As a winner, you’ll have the opportunity to be involved in IMAP events and conferences as a leading example of how managed accounts can be successfully integrated into advice practices

Enter in the IMAP MANAGED ACCOUNT AWARDS and be recognised for the part your organisation plays in our industry  ...

3 April 2023


3 April 2023

26 May 2023


30 May 2023


30 May 2023

31 July 2023


3 August 2023


3 August 2023

Thursday 24th August 2023 6 to 8pm Sydney time



General Criteria:

The portfolio needs to be offered through a managed account structure with the following features:

  • Recognised legal structure – registered MIS, MDA, IDPS Like, IDPS model, IMA and SMA
  • Investments directly held by or on behalf of each investor i.e. not a pooled structure
  • Model based
  • Clear discretion held by the portfolio or investment manager

The portfolio needs to have a clear objective and a benchmark

Submissions which outline a related fund rather than a managed account structure will not be considered

If the managed account is operated entirely as an outsourced arrangement, it must be provided uniquely to the entrant.

Asset Class portfolios including ESG Portfolios:

Please note that for the Multi Asset Class and ESG Portfolio submissions, only Balanced Portfolios or equivalent “median client” portfolios should be submitted.

Judging will take into account:

  • Performance over time periods of 1 and 3 years
  • Risk measures including SD and Sharpe ratio
  • Weighted average cost of investment both directly and considering the underlying investments
  • Qualitative criteria including the resources available to the portfolio management organisation and the structure
  • Investment Management structure and resourcing

Licensee and Boutique LIcensee Managed Account Portfolios

Please note that for the Licensee and Boutique Licensee Managed Account Portfolio only Balanced Portfolios or equivalent “median client” portfolios should be submitted

The criteria applied to the Asset Class portfolios will apply, however, in addition the judges will consider

  • The investment committee structure and resourcing
  • The way in which the portfolios reflect the advice firm’s investment philosophy and appear to be integrated with it
  • How the Managed Account Service fits with the client proposition
  • Supporting materials, in particular the client and adviser communications about portfolio management and portfolio changes

Boutique Licensee Managed Account Portfolio
The criteria for being a Boutique licensee is having 60 or less corporate authorised representatives or advisers, and Funds under Management "FUM" of no more than $750 million held via Managed Accounts, and be operating a Managed Account Program on which the entry submission will be based.

Innovation Award

This is a broad category which recognises those activities which have been designed to improve the:

  • Operation and process of managed accounts
  • Adoption by advisers and licensees
  • Investment options
  • Technology used to support managed accounts
  • Other functions the judges think worthy of recognition as innovative


Please note that you may enter more than one category but a separate submission is required for each category that you enter, and only one entry per category is allowed.
- Innovation
- Licensee Managed Account Portfolios
- *** NEW Boutique Licensee Managed Account Portfolios
- Investment Asset Classes (Australian Equities / Australian Equities Small Cap / International Equities / Multi Asset / Australian Fixed Interest)
- ESG Portfolio


If entering in an Investment Asset Class, ESG Portfolio, Boutique Licensee, or Licensee category, please note that there are two parts to a Submission - Part 1 is to complete the Quantitative Data Spreadsheet and Part 2 is to complete all fields of the relevant category online submission form and submit this with all attachments.

3. COMPLETE AND SUBMIT YOUR SUBMISSION FORM (Select Category from Buttons below)

The online submission form needs to be filled out and completed in one session.
The easiest way is to highlight all the text and "copy and paste" it into a blank Word Document to prepare all your answers offline. Then simply paste your answers back into the on-line submission.
/br/>You will receive an email confirming your submission with a copy of all information submitted.
Please note that there are different questions for each of the 5 types of Categories, select the correct category for your submission below:

- Licensee
- Boutique Licensee (New in 2023)
- Investment Asset Classes
- ESG Portfolio
- Innovation


Please Note:
A presentation to the Judging panel may be required of Finalists in the Licensee, Boutique LIcensee, and Innovation Categories(only).

You will be contacted by the IMAP Awards team if a Presentation is required from you.


General Criteria:

  1. What constitutes a Boutique Licensee?

    The criteria for being a Boutique licensee is having 60 or less corporate authorised representatives or advisers, and Funds under Management "FUM" of no more than $750 million held via Managed Accounts, and be operating a Managed Account Program on which the entry submission will be based.

  2. What are the Judges looking for in the Innovation category?


    • Integration of Advice and portfolio management
    • Advice & portfolio reporting
    • A Financial service offered that improves benefits to end clients
    • Technological advances which facilitate access to information, investment options, payment and reporting
    • Operational improvement

    To be successful, innovation must either reduce costs and risks or provide an improved service that meets the particular needs of the value-chain participants.

  3. What Legal Structures qualitfy?

    The portfolio that you are entering in a category needs to be offered through a managed account structure with one of the following legal structures:

    - registered Managed Investment Scheme (MIS)
    - MDA
    - IDPS
    - IDPS "like"
    - IMA and SMA

  4. Should the Fees to be provided in the Data Submission Spreadsheet incl GST and RITC (Reduced Input Tax Credit)?

    The Fees provided in your submission should include GST less RITC
    (if applicable).

  5. What is the process if judges are conflicted due to their affiliation with an organisation submitting an entry into the awards?

    If an awards judge is affiliated with an organisation, they are excluded from scoring that entry.  The average of the other judges' scores is used in place of their score.

If you are unsure then please contact the IMAP awards team on
Brad Matthews
Brad MatthewsInvestment Consultant
Brad has 30 +years experience in the finance industry and is a highly regarded investment strategist. After working in the money and foreign exchange markets in the mid-1980s, Brad held various economist roles at St. George Bank. He then moved into executive management positions at St. George, including being the Head of the Cards and ATMs division. Prior to establishing his own investment consultancy business in 2015, Brad worked in investment research at the AMP Group for 12 years, which included roles as Head of Research and Head of Investment Strategy for AMP Group financial planning licensees. For the past 24 years, Brad has been editor of a newsletter known as “Plain English Economics”, which is read by secondary students studying economics.
David McDonald, CFA
David McDonald, CFA Investment Specialist, IMAP
David's role is focused on working to develop a community of interest among the professionals responsible for portfolio management of managed account programs. He has 30+ years’ experience in financial markets. He has worked as an economist, investment strategist, and has extensive experience in equity portfolio management and analysis. He was previously the Chief Investment Strategist for Credit Suisse Private Banking in Australia. He has worked in institutional asset management and private wealth in Australia and the UK, & started his career as an economist with the Australian government. David holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Graduate Diploma in Economics (honours) from the Australian National University. He is a CFA Charter holder and holds the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement designation
Dominic McCormick
Dominic McCormick Portfolio Manager - Select Asset Management
Dominic McCormick has worked in financial services and investment management for 33 years. He co-founded multi-asset and alternatives manager Select Asset Management in 2002 which was sold to OneVue Limited in 2014. He is the Portfolio Manager of the Select Listed Investments Fund and the Select Real Return Fund. He also provides investment consulting services with a focus on portfolio construction, real return investing and listed fund
Nigel Douglas
Nigel DouglasCEO - Douglas Funds Consulting
Douglas Funds Consulting is an independent research firm that undertakes customised fund and client specific research projects as well as investment committee and non-executive director roles. Mr Douglas has over 30 years financial markets experience with high level expertise in investment manager research, asset allocation and macroeconomics.
Robert da Silva
Robert da SilvaHead of Research - SQM Research
Robert has 35+ years experience as an investment manager & ratings expert. Prior to his current role, he was Head of Research & Deputy CIO at van Eyk Research leading their research team with responsibility for fund manager investment & ratings reports across all asset classes.He worked at BT and Principal Global Investors for 23 years and led their respective credit & fixed income capabilities, with focus on strategic & tactical asset allocation for BT's suite of balanced & capital stable funds. He holds aBBus (Finance & Economics), M Finance, GDip Applied Finance, and is a FINSIA Fellow
Toby Potter
Toby PotterIMAP Chair
Toby has championed managed accounts and IMAP's mission for many years and is a key contributor for IMAP (along with others) in representation to ASIC on changes to MDA regulations, FASEA and to the Royal Commission His experience in the wider investments market is extensive, and his advice & experience is frequently sought after for his insights and detail. Toby is well known to many of the people in the advice, managed accounts and investment businesses.. His working experience includes key roles for NAB, IOOF, Morningstar, Managed Accounts, SFG Australia

2023 IMAP Managed Account Awards 
Terms & Conditions of Entry

We are delighted that you would like to participate in the 2023 IMAP Managed Account Awards (‘Awards’).

This document is our ‘Terms and Conditions’ (‘Terms’), and if you would like to enter and participate in the Awards, you will need to adhere to these Terms.

The Awards are conducted by the Institute of Managed Account Professionals Limited (ABN 57 125 794 274), of Balgowlah Heights, Sydney NSW 2093 (‘IMAP’, ‘we’, ‘us, ‘our’).

Any reference to ‘you’ or ‘your’ in these Terms includes you in your personal capacity, as a representative of the business, as well as your business being entered into and as a participant of the Awards.

Who can enter?

The IMAP Managed Account Awards recognise that different investment approaches mean different portfolio types. So, the Awards are open to:

  • all legal structures – SMA / MIS, MDA, Wholesale MDA, IDPS, IDPS Like
  • all investment types – direct stocks, managed funds, ETFS; and
  • all portfolio managers – including investment managers, AFS Licensees / dealer groups and research house managed portfolios. This includes portfolios which are managed by a licensee but which are sub-advised by one or more investment managers or asset allocation specialists.

You need not be the Responsible Entity, MDA Provider or IDPS Operator of the managed account portfolios to enter the Awards. However, you must disclose all the parties involved in advising on asset allocation, portfolio management or security selection or similar in the portfolios you enter.

Ground rules

In order to enter the Awards, you:

  • Must comply with these Terms;
  • Must hold an AFSL;
  • May enter in your role as portfolio manager, investment manager or similar for one or more portfolios which are presented as Managed Accounts;
  • Agree that the judges’ decision is final and will be arrived at using such assessment or methodology which they believe is appropriate to meeting the objectives of the Awards program and may include material or information in addition to the material you submit;
  • Warrant to us that the information you provide is, to the best of your knowledge, accurate in all material respects; and
  • Agree that we may request confirmation of any information you provide, for example in the form of reports or meeting minutes.
  • Agree that material submitted after the deadline of 5.30pm on Friday 26th May 2023 will not be considered unless requested by the judges
  • Agree that only submissions completed as per the instructions will be accepted
  • Agree that only one submission per category will be allowed
  • Agree that only balanced portfolios are to be submitted in the multi asset class and Licensee Managed Account portfolio category
  • Data is to be supplied to IMAP in the template provided
  • Agree that IMAP may provide your material to an external partner for quantitative assessment.

At our sole discretion, we reserve the right to declare your entry into the Awards ineligible, or disqualify your entry if:

  • You have not complied with these Terms;
  • Your entry form is incomplete;
  • You are unable to represent or promote the Awards in an appropriate or satisfactory manner;
  • The information you have submitted to us is misleading, false or provided unlawfully; or
  • We have determined that you or your business are involved in conduct or activity that is fraudulent, illegal and/or may harm us and our reputation.

Privacy and Confidentiality

We collect your information, including personal information as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), in order to conduct the Awards. Our privacy statement will apply for your involvement in the Awards. You’ll find our Privacy Policy at As part of your participation, we collect all kinds of information relating to you and your business, including your responses to the entry forms. We will share this only with the judging panel and anyone necessary to arrive at a decision. By entering into and participating in the Awards, you consent that those with access to your information may only use it to judge or administer the Awards, however, the fact that you have participated may be made available to our subscribers and sponsors.

If you would like to access or correct the information that we hold about you, or wish to withdraw your consent to receive Awards material contact Jenny Phimleut at IMAP on E: 

Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights related to the Awards, including the information and data we collect, belong to IMAP. This does not extend to any intellectual property rights you already owned prior to entering the Awards which remain your intellectual property. Any data or other material which you provide will only be used for the purpose of judging the Awards.

The judges may be subject to conflicts of interest and will tender declarations to that effect. Any affected judge will be excluded from consideration of the conflicted entrant.

You agree that we may use your logo and name in any material which promotes the Awards. You agree to allow us and the Sponsors to contact you to provide comments about the Awards, to take photos or video footage of you, your business and your representative(s), and use any of the material collected as part of your participation. If we do use any of the materials listed above, you grant us a royalty free license to use the materials for promotional purposes in relation to the Awards.

Use of the IMAP Managed Account Award Logo

If you are a winner of an Award, we will grant you a royalty free license to use the relevant trophy device for promotional purposes, so long as you use it in the form which we provide you.

If you are a finalist in an Award category, and you are an IMAP Subscriber as a Dealer Group / Licensee Subscriber or Corporate Subscriber as the case may be, we will grant you a royalty free license to use the relevant trophy device for promotional purposes, so long as you use it in the form which we provide you and so long as you are a financial subscriber to IMAP.

The small print

To the extent permitted by law, neither IMAP (including its officers, employees and agents) nor the judges will be liable for any loss (including indirect or consequential loss), damage or personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with the Awards and you explicitly waive all rights to any claim for any reason against IMAP, its officers, employees, agents or any of the judges. You will indemnify us and our officers, employees and agents including the judges against any loss or liability from any claim or action that arises as a result of a breach of these Terms by you, or use by you or IMAP or any other person entitled to be in possession of the materials or information supplied by you under these Terms.

By entering the Awards, you agree to submit to the laws of New South Wales, and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that place and the courts of appeal from them.

If you have any questions on the Awards please contact Jenny Phimleut - IMAP Program Director

Email Address: 

Phone: +61 2 8003 4147

View IMAP's Webinar Recording on Hints and Tips for Entering the Awards

We are delighted that you would like to participate in the 2023 IMAP Managed Account Awards and to help here is a webinar recording with "all your Questions Answered".

The webinar features Leah Willis from Australian Ethical addressing the ESG Portfolio category and James Waterworth of BlackRock explaining the use of the Aladdin Analysis tool.

Two of our judges Brad Matthews and David McDonald discuss what the judging panel is looking for when reviewing Award entries and Toby Potter IMAP Chair adds his perspective

If you have any questions on the Awards please contact us as per the details shown below.


Please contact the IMAP Event team with any queries:

If you have any queries please contact Jenny Phimleut Program Director at the IMAP Awards team on E:

Phone: +61 2 8003 4147 

Contact us



0414 443 236